Well the news is there ain`t know news to know . I`ve been
looking for players , but no such luck latly . It `s ok I will not be swade . I `ve been writing like a feen latly .
Looking to get in the studio soon ? So for now I will be ----- keep on keepin on .
Have a cool summer !!!!
Well it has
been a while since I have posted any new developments. There is a long story to go with it. But I wont bore you with the details. The short of
it is that I meet and start jamming with some people for the last four months.
That is over now and Im eager to get back on track with the
Flawed Genius project. I have been talking with some guitar player and hope to get something happening soon. I have 3 new
songs to go in the studio with and one old song" White, that I want to re record soon. The drumming spot is still in question .So if any one knows some one please let me know.
I have gotten a lot a good feed back on the song "Sintally"(Thank
You) So that just makes me more eager to get going on more songs. I will start posting more often here, but for now I gota
to go.
See Ya !
My thoughts go out to those involved directly with the Trade Center attack last year. I think
we all learned something from that dreadful event.I love my country, but I do not trust my government.
"Blessed be" to all Americans today .
The new song is up on the mp3.com page.
I`m glad to see it there .Hot Dam!!
go to the mp3 page right now . No ,, right now!!!
and give it a listen!!!!
Well I have the new
song, in my dirty little hands now. I uploaded it to the mp3 site but, apparently, it will take some time until it is approved by mp3.com.Unless I pay for their premium service. Go figure!!
So I guess we`ll
have to be patience. I have never been good at patience. The band fund$$$ is running very low, ,ya Know!!So in the
mean time if you would like to hear the new song, I can e-mail the mp3 directly to you ....e mail seething@hotmail.com
We should be seeing
the new song "Sintally" up on mp3.com any day now. Still waiting to get me hands on it from the man. Chad Weiss, he helped
out on producing it with me and I think it went well. Thanks smiling Chad Man.
Currently were working
on pre production of the first studio CD, and things are going very well. We have been talking with some of the top players
in the twin cities and have had some success, although we are still in need of additional musician??? So if you are a musician
or you know someone that is pass on your information and lets hook up. I would like to thank everyone that as supported this
project to date. Your support is priceless. Thank you .So look around this site and feel free to drop me e-mail.